Thursday, May 21, 2015

A baby quilt for my friend and Blogger's Quilt Festival

After I made my first quilt (doll quilt) I wanted to go ahead and do the second one for my other daughter. But something kept coming up. Then my friend had a baby boy and I imidiately thought that I need to make her son a quilt. And I did. I used the fabric that I already had - some were scraps and some were fabrics I'd bought but didn't have a chance to make anything with. I came up with the combination quickly (this is the part I was most afraid of, I always thought it was complicated science revealed to the chosen, lol turns out its not so bad). I took out what I thought would go well for a baby quilt, and honestly returned half of it back and started looking more. I looked online for inspiration. And then I remembered that babies like to look at bright patterns and it helps their development. And I had the right fabrics in my stash. I cut the squares (roughly to fit the batting that I had) and after 15 mins of arranging them I came up with the pattern that I liked. Then I went ahead and whipped the quilt in a matter of hours. The finished size was around 32"×43".

I was browsing through the quilting blogs and came across Amy's Creative Side website which is hosting the Blogger's Quilt Festival - Spring 2015. I decided to enter my baby quilt into the Small Quilt category


  1. Such a happy quilt!! You are absolutely right about the bright colours helping grandson LOVED the fuchsia and orange graphic circles quilt I made for my daughter, his mum, that was always on the back of the couch and while she nursed him, he would gaze at it. :-) This one is sure to be a big hit for your friend's son! I tried to email you to thank you for the comment on my entry, Seashell runner, but you are a no-reply blogger...yay that I found your blog!

  2. And hey, I just see now after I hit send, welcome to quilting blogland! I see you are a new blogger. There is a new blogger hop going on if you're interested, should be lots of fun and a great learning experience. Go to Meadow Mist Designs where you will find the details. :-)
    As for no-reply blogger issue, if you want to fix it, visit Sew Many Ways and under Blogging Tips (or something like that) heading you will find a tutorial no how to fix it. :-)

  3. Thank you so much for your comments Sandra. I didn't know I was a no reply blogger, lol, I'll have to fix that. I'll check the new blogger hop now. Thanks again.

  4. This is a wonderful baby quilt, Yana! Bright and graphic and eye-catching. I am sure your friend and her baby boy love it. Thanks for sharing in the Blogger's Festival and for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind word. Welcome to blogging ... may you make many friends and many quilts ... :) Pat

  5. Thank you Pat for stopping by as well.
